Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Liburan di Kuningan

Hallooooww semuaa!! Waaaww udah lama ga nulis post pake bahasa Indonesia loh!! :D
Tanggal 28-30 Desember kemarin, kita dan keluarga besar liburan ke kampung halaman oma di Kuningan-Jawa Barat. Sayangnya, Ria ga ikut bareng kita, jadilah di sana hanya para orangtua, Icha, Resa, 3 orang balita, dan 4 orang anak SD -_- hahahhaha!
Kita ke sana naik 3 mobil *semacem konvoi gtu yahh* dan tentu aja Icha semobil sama Resa \(^o^)/ hohoho.. Perjalanan berlangsung kira-kira 7 jam *lama amat yaaa* secara berenti-berenti gitu di jalan..wkwkwk.. Perjalanan panjang ini dihabiskan dengan makan, tidur, dan mendengarkan lagu-lagu Korea dari tape mobil. hahahha gaul abis..
Sesampainya di sana, hujan gedeee banget!! Kita bakal nginep di bungalow di Resort Prima Sangkanhurip. Tempatnya nice banget! Berbau-bau pedesaan gitu.. Bungalownya dari bilik dan kayu gitu...gaya abis deh...
Dari luar keliataannya kaya rumah-rumah kuno di desa gitu..tapi dalemnya..widiihh! abad 21 banget..udah ada TV flat screen, trus ada AC pula..bershower pula wkwkwkk.. Keren deh!
Nah, begitu selesai beres-beres barang, kita langsung keluar buat main bola di halaman bungalow yang luas.. Ujan-ujanan deh!! Sampe kotor-kotoran! Team dibagi 2, tim 1 itu Bella, Albert, Michael. Tim 2 itu Icha, Resa, Reyna.. hahahahha..
*Team Photo*
Hari selanjutnya, kita ziarah ke Gua Maria Sawer Rahmat di Cisantana Kuningan. Jalannya jauuuuhhh banget! Sampe cape banget dan kita juga istirahat beberapa kali. Akhirnya sampe juga di Gua Maria dan kita langsung masang lilin, berdoa deh. Terus kita juga ambil air suci dan cuci-cuci badan pake air suci. Supaya jiwa raganya bersih :D hehehehhee..
Di perjalanan balik ke mobil, Icha bertemu dengan seorang cowok ganteng berbaju biru yang mirip Marcel Darwin.. aaa >< ganteng banget!! Terus kita makan bakso deh di warung-warung deket Gua Maria.. Nah pas mau pulang...ketemu lagi sama cowok itu!! hahahahaha ternyata dia asalnya dari Jakarta. Sayangnya, Icha ga sempet kenalan sama dia. lagian malu juga ya kalo tiba-tiba ngajak kenalan..padahal ga jelas asal-usulnya..hahahhaha..
*kira-kira beginilah wujud si cowok..ini sih foto Marcel Darwin bener mirip loh!!*

Sepulang dari Gua Maria, kita langsung meluncur ke lokasi selanjutnya yaitu Curug Putri alias air terjun Putri. Nah, sayangnya Resa ga bisa masuk ke area curug karena dia sedang kedatangan tamu bulanan..oops.. yeah, jadi Icha ke sana bersama para balita, anak SD, dan orang tua. hahahah wtf banget -_- Pemandangan di sana indaaaahh banget! Jadi sadar betapa besar dan hebatnya Tuhan kita. Hasil kerjaannya aja bagus banget gitu. Jadi semakin mensyukuri anugerah hidup dan segala ciptaan Tuhan di dunia ini *widiihh aseekk*
Di sana kita main basah-basahan banget lah gila.. Untungnya airnya masih bersih dan jernih.. Ihihihi.. Setelah puas basah-basahan, kita balik ke kawasan yang ada warung-warungnya terus bersih-bersih badan, ganti baju, dan makan indomie kuah pake telor. nyaaamm!! enaakk :9 ada juga yang pesen jagung bakar. pokoknya menghangatkan diri deh..wihihihi..
Sepulang dari sana, kita main di Waduk Darma, main balon-balon yang dari sabun..yang kaya Spongebob suka mainin itu loh...
Abis itu kita makan malam di Restoran Klapa Manis. Dari sini bisa keliatan pemandangan di Kota Cirebon. View nya keren banget kalo malam hari.. Lampu-lampu terang banget gitu! Terus pelayanannya cepet loh! Makanannya juga enak.. ga nyesel pokoknya kita dinner di sini.. hwahahhaha.. *promosi*
Keesokan harinya, kita bangun pagi-pagi buat berenang.. terus pas udah check out dari hotel, kita outbond. Seru banget! Icha agak-agak susah pas main spider web soalnya keberatan badan -_- hahahha mainannya menantang semua! Yang paling asik sih pas main flying fox. wiii! langsung meluncur dan release semua stress yang ada hahahhaha..
Nah, terusnya, Icha sama Resa main nyebrang sungai di satu tali dan kita KEJEBUR -______- basah dan kotor.. mana air sungainya berlumpur lagi X( dan sialnya sepatu Resa ilang sbeelah.. sabar ya saaa :(
Naaahh segitu aja cerita liburan ChaRiSa kali ini *tepatnya sih cuma ChaSa aja yaa* tapi kita tetep have fun kok dan semua nampak bahagiaa :D
Outbond team : Bella, Icha, Reyna, Michael, Albert, Resa

Happy holiday all!! ^^

Happy 4th Birthday ChaRiSa!

Okay! So today is our group's 4th birthday!
We feel so happy and proud of ourselves lol
Since debuted on December 31 2007, we've performed on family's New Year party..we dance, sing, and have fun! hehehehe.. we also performed a dance stage on our uncle's wedding party.
AH..! It was really fun to collaborate with our brothers and sisters, BAMS (consists of Bella, Albert, and Michael) muahahha really funny!

I hope we'll always love each other and take care of each other too :)
Love you all sisters! :D

ChaRiSa photobox ☺

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary! ^^

Hello! Today is our blog's 1st anniversary! woohoo ^^
so proud and happy! Thank you for our readers and visitors and whoever that click on our blog's link ;)
In this 1st anniversary, we promise to keep writing and posting a lot of useful and entertaining information for all of you. We will bring our unique and joyful life and share a lot of story here. And..we will also share about various entertaining things such as music, movies, sports, etc. K-Pops will be spread around the world and people would love it soooooo much! Kekeke
And from now on, we'll try to be better and better day by day and spread happiness and knowledge to the world. You'll now what you didn't know before and you'll know more what you have known.
Finally, I'm so sorry for my bad English hehehe.. I'll try to improve it as much as I can!:D
Once again, thanks a lot everyone! Much love xoxo


Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Infinite Love for INFINITE

Annyeonghaseyooo!! You must be now who is it! If you read an article about K-Pop, the writer must be ICHA ^^ hahaha ;) I'm a K-Poper so I'll often write about it here and spread the K-Pop fever around the world! Muahahaha! After write about the goddesses Girls' Generation and the shining boys SHINee, now I wanna write about INFINITE, the boys with infinite talents and skills. They're my new favorite Korean boygroup. Their songs are really good and they always dance in-sync! Let's see a picture of them~

Four guys on the left are Woohyun (sitting on the chair), Dongwoo (guy with the striped suit), Myungsoo or L (sitting elegantly on the sofa), and Sunggyu (sitting like a boss on the sofa behind L)
Three guys on the right are Hoya (standing), Sungyeol (wearing hat), and Sungjong (sitting on the table)

Infinite (인피니트) is a Korean boygroup consists of seven members under Woollim Entertainment. They debuted on M!Countdown on June 10 2010. As you know, Girls' Generation's fans are being called SONE(s) (read : Sowon) and SHINee's fans are being called Shawol(s). Infinite's fans are being called "INSPIRIT(s)" hehehee.. They have a lot of good songs such as Come Back Again, She's Back, BTD, Can U Smile, Be Mine, Paradise, Tic Toc, Julia, Cover Girl, Nothing's Over, Hysterie, Amazing, White Confession (Lately) etc. You guys should listen to the songs!
Ah! One of Infinite's popular dance moves is the Scorpion dance on BTD. Let's check it out!
And one of their hottest dance moves is Paradise dance >< ahh.. I can't resist. And of course, in some live performance, they show L's sexy back >< aahh.. Don't want to talk more about this, just check it out!

I prefer watch their live performances than their MVs because their live performances are really good! They always show awesome performances. Here some videos of their live performances ☺
Come Back Again
She's Back
Can U Smile
Nothing's Over
Be Mine

After watching their videos, let's get to know them personally! ^^
1. Kim Sunggyu (김성규)
Sunggyu is Infinite's leader, so we often call him "Leader Gyu" hehehe.. He was born on April 28, 1989. His favorite color is white. Besides being Infinite's leader, he is also the main vocalist. Look at his photo! He has a pair of cute small eyes :3 Fans often call him Hamster Gyu too hehehe..
Fans of Sunggyu are called Chingyu(s).
Want to get closer with Leader Gyu? Here is his twitter: @leadergyu

2. Jang Dongwoo (장동우)
Dongwoo is the main rapper, lead dancer, and vocalist of Infinite. He was born on November 22, 1990. He has a nickname "Kenyan Prince" and has a legendary epic laugh hehehe.. He has sexy lips and wild eyes, so when introduce himself, he always says "Hello, I'm Infinite's Wild Eyes, Dongwoo." He also known as The Smile Man because of his wide and bright smile (look at the photo!) His favorite color is green. Dongwoo's fans are called Woonique(s).
Want to get closer with Kenyan Prince? Here is his twitter:  @ddww1122
3. Nam Woohyun (남우현)
Woohyun is Infinite's main vocalist. He was born on February 8, 1991. He is responsible to show aegyo (cuteness) in the group. Woohyun is Infinite's chef. He has nicknames such as Namstar and Bolmae (more handsome day by day). Woohyun participated in KBS Immortal Song 2 because of his awesome voice. He also has sexy abs which he likes to show on live performances *_* His favorite color is red. Fans of Woohyun are called Newclear(s).
Want to get closer with Namstar? Here is his twitter:  @wowwh

4. Lee Howon (이호원)
Howon or normally called Hoya is the main dancer, lead rapper, and vocalist of Infinite. He was born on March 28, 1991. His favorite color is purple. He dislike being called by his real name (Howon) because since he was a kid, his family called him "Hoya". He has a nickname Ho-aegi (translated to Ho-baby). Hoya's fans are called Hoyatic(s). Want to get closer with Dancing Machine Hoya? Here is his twitter: @hoya1991
5. Lee Sungyeol (이성열
Sungyeol is the vocalist of Infinite. He was born on August 27, 1991. He also responsible for making fun in the group. He has a nickname "ChodingYeol" which means school kid Sungyeol. He is given that nickname because of his cute and naughty behavior such as a school kid. He is the tallest member of Infinite and he likes his chubby cheeks so much. Unfortunately, he rarely gets part to sing in Infinite's song :( Sungyeol also acts as 'Yoon Sojun' in SBS drama "While You Were Sleeping". His favorite color is pink. Sungyeol's fans are called Yeollipop(s).
Want to get closer with ChodingYeol? Here is his twitter: @Seongyeol1991  

6. Kim Myungsoo (김명수)
Myungsoo or normally being called L is Infinite's lead vocalist and visual. He was born on March 13, 1992. He has a mysterious aura. Woohyun said that L's aura is similar to L (DeathNote)'s aura. But, inside his mysterious cover, hidden a sweet and cute personality. He starred at Japanese drama "Jiu Police Criminal Investigation" and acted in "God of Study" but his part was cut >< Now, he is starring a new K-Drama "Shut Up Flower Boy Band". His favorite color is black. Fans of Myungsoo are called eLement(s).
Want to get closer with L? Here is his twitter: @INFINITELKIM

7. Lee Sungjong (이성종)
Sungjong is Infinite's vocalist and youngest member (maknae). He was born on September 3, 1993. He is a cute maknae, but he can be a wild one hehehe... Sungjong can dance to any girlgroup songs (similar as SHINee's Almighty Diva Key, but Key is still the MASTER :D kekekee) He think that he is prettier than some girlgroup members hahahaha.. Sungjong's most unique behavior is he always brings his lie detector everywhere (what kind of thing is that??). His favorite color is yellow. Sungjong's fans are called Sungel(s).
Want to get closer with Maknae Sungjong? Here is his twitter: @infiniteyounges

That's all about Infinite's member! Now..time for bonus pictures and videos!! Fans like to pair the members each other (it's just kidding and just for fun) and I have 3 most favorite couples. They are WooGyu (Woohyun-Sunggyu), YaDong (Hoya-Dongwoo), and MyungYeol (Myungsoo-Sungyeol) while Maknae Sungjong is having fun by himself since he's still a little kid :p

Vocalist Couple : WooGyu !! (Woohyun-Sunggyu)

Rapper Couple : YaDong !! (Hoya-Dongwoo)

Cute Couple : MyungYeol !! (Myungsoo-Sungyeol)

And their cute kiddo! Maknae Sungjong~♥

Let's enjoy their awesome dancing skill and their seducing hip thrusts ><

That's all about INFINITE!! I'll bring a lot of nice articles later! 
Keep share our infinite love with INFINITE ^^


Celebrate Christmas in Simplicity

Hello our beloved readers! Sorry for not being active these days... We're so busy doing our exams in school.. How tiring :(
First, we wanna wish you a very...

May this Christmas bring us joy and happiness.
And let's hope to be as pure as Baby Jesus.
Welcome him with a brand new sincere heart ♥

Ah.. Christmas always brings a different atmosphere to the world. It brings us joy, happiness, excitement, etc. What do you usually wait in Christmas day? Presents, Christmas tree, snow, Santa Claus? Or the most awaited one.. BABY JESUS? ☺
 I little bit upset to Santa Claus.. no, no, not because I'm too old to get presents from him or not because he didn't give me my present.. it's because he often steals Jesus' stage :(
Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ was born. But nowadays, children wait for Santa in Christmas, not wait for Jesus.. It's CHRISTmas guys, not santamas or clausmas..
We also often celebrate Christmas with partying. It's good, though, to celebrate this joyful day with our family, friends, relatives, or our beloved ones. But, it'll be better if we can bring joy to others, especially those who in needs. Jesus must be happier then ^^

Let's celebrate Christmas in simplicity and spread the happiness to the world! Merry Christmas! ^^

♥ ChaRiSa ♥

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Shining Boys : SHINee

Hello! Annyeonghaseyo! 안녕하세요! ^^
How's your day guys? After the profile of Girls' Generation or So Nyuh Shi Dae (소녀 시대) -that I'm sure the boys definitely like it- I'll give a special idol group for the girls! Let me introduce those five gorgeous boys....
^^ SHINee ^^
SHINee (샤이니) is one of popular boybands in South Korea. They was formed by SM Entertainment in 2008. SHINee is a contemporary R&B boyband. Since their debut, Shinee has released two full-length albums, three mini-albums, and various singles. They have also won many awards, held a concert tour and starred in their own reality shows. Shinee is considered to be a fashion icon having started the "Shinee Trend". They made their Japanese debut in May 2011 by releasing a Japanese version of their single, "Replay".
My favorite SHINee's reality show is "SHINee Hello Baby" where the five boys become five appas (dads) and they have to take care of a four years old (in Korean age, three years old in universal age) baby Jung Yoogeun.
in picture : Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, Baby Yoogeun, Key
I'll give some links to their MVs and of course to one scene of Hello Baby. You can continue watch it by clicking on "Suggested Videos" on the sidebar on YouTube ☺
But before we go on video session, let's see the members of SHINee personally!

1. Lee Jinki (이진기) or Onew
Lee Jinki or also known as Onew is the oldest member of SHINee. He was born on December 14, 1989. Onew is SHINee's leader. His nickname is Dubu Onew. He is known as a clumsy boy and he often does body gag, purposely or accidentally. He also got a role as a clumsy doctor on Korean drama "Dr. Champ". One of Onew's unique ability is he can imitate Donald Duck's voice! How cute :3 

2. Kim Jonghyun (김종현)
Kim Jonghyun is the lead vocalist of SHINee. He has a strong and powerful voice. His nickname is Bling Bling Jonghyun. Jonghyun was born on April 8, 1990. He also joins the SM Entertainment's other group, SM The Ballad. Jonghyun was confirmed dating Shin Se Kyung, a Korean artist, on October 26, 2010.

3. Kim Kibum (김기범) or Key 
Kim Kibum or also known as Key is the SHINee's diva. He has a good voice, he also good at dancing and rapping. Key was born on September 23, 1991. His nickname is Almighty Key. Key has a unique ability. He is very good at imitate girlbands' dance! Key is the most caring member among the SHINee members. It makes him called as SHINee's omma (mom).

4. Choi Minho (최민호)
Choi Minho is the main rapper in SHINee. Minho was born on December 9, 1991. He is the tallest member and many of Shawols (SHINee's fans) think he is the most good-looking. His nickname is The Flaming Charisma Minho. He also was a permanent cast member in KBS's Dream Team Season 2.

5. Lee Taemin (이태민)
Lee Taemin is the youngest member in SHINee. Because of that, Taemin's nickname is Maknae Taemin. He was born on  July 18, 1993. He also known as SHINee's Dancing Machine because he is SHINee's lead dancer. Taemin debuted as an actor as Lee Junsu in the sitcom "Taehee-Hyegyo-Jihyun!".

That's a little about SHINee members! Now, let's see some of their music videos!
♪ Replay ♪

♪ Juliette ♪
♪ Ring Ding Dong ♪
♪ Hello ♪
♪ Lucifer ♪
Which one do you like? And can you recognize them on the videos? Now, this is the first part of first episode of SHINee Hello Baby video.
☺SHINee Hello Baby Episode 1 (1/5) ☺
 And now...who wanna see Onew's Donald Duck voice?? Here we go!!
☺Onew's Donald Duck voice imitation ☺
And for you who wanna see Key's special skill at dancing to girlbands' dance we go! Ahhh.. Key is so funny!
☺ Key dances Genie with SNSD ☺

THAT'S ALL! I hope this entry about our shining SHINee can entertain all of you! And I got an idea! I will write about SNSD Hello Baby and SHINee Hello Baby next time! So, stay tune! ;)

♥ ChaRiSa ♥

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Holiday Destinations in Asia

Final exam is OVER! It's almost holiday here, in Indonesia! Maybe it's already holiday for some of you :)
Now, I wanna share some of interesting places in Asia that can be added to your holiday destination list. Check them out! ☺

1. Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia
First, I wanna introduce you one of beautiful beaches in my country, Indonesia. Kuta Beach is a famous one. A lot of tourists, foreign or domestic, visit this beach. It can be really crowded here in holidays. You can try some watersport, like jet ski, banana boat, parasailing, surfing, etc. You also can just sit and sunbathing or make a sand castle ;) Beside Kuta Beach, Bali has some of other beautiful beaches such as Nusa Dua Beach, Sanur Beach, etc. There are some beautiful beach too outside Bali. You can visit Senggigi Beach (Lombok), Pangandaran Beach (West Java), etc. We also have Bunaken Marine Park for a great sea-sightseeing :)

2. Ko Samui, Thailand
Ko Samui, island of Surat Thani Province, is an island off the east coast of the Kra Isthmus in Thailand. It has its own airport (named Ko Samui Airport) so you can reach this island easily. After the exploding tourism in Ko Samui there has been a growth in building resorts, bungalows and luxury private villas on the island. It also has some beautiful beaches such as Chaweng Beach, Lamai Beach, Maenam Beach and Bophut Beach. You can enjoy snorkeling here, with a great view of underwater world, kayaking at Coral Island, or have a jungle trip by riding an elephant. What a great experience to share with your mates!

3. Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo is one of great cities in the world. It located in Japan and has some of interesting place to visit. If you wanna have some fun and go shopping, visit Tokyo! There are so many places to visit here such as Harajuku (a central place of extreme Japanese teenager's culture), Asakusa (the tone of the old Tokyo, where Sensoji, a popular Buddhist temple was built in the 7th century), Shibuya, Ginza, and Shinjuku (shopping and entertainment area), The Imperial Garden, or the beautiful Ueno Park which has some notable art museums. Visiting Tokyo can be entertaining and educating :)

4. Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Located in the mid-western part of Korea, Gyeonggi-do embraces Seoul and Incheon. It offers a variety of beautiful tourist destinations and cultural facilities along the Hangang River. Gyeonggi-do is also proud to embody traditional Korean culture with such places as the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, the Korean Folk Village and Icheon, which is famous for ceramics. Moreover, visitors can also visit Everland, a huge and exciting amusement park. Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, is also a place for shopping and entertainment. You can see the beauty of Seoul on this music video by 소녀 세대 (SNSD or Girls Generation) and Super Junior.

That's all my recommendation for Holiday Destinations in Asia. Are you interested to visit one of them? ☺

♥ ChaRiSa ♥

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Speak about Edwin van der Sar :")

"I want to thank the manager, he bought me six years ago, maybe a couple of years too late. I wish I'd done it [joined United] earlier. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. The fans and the other players have been magnificent. I'll always keep a warm place in my heart for Manchester United, the world's biggest club."
"I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I'll always keep a warm place in my heart for Manchester United, the biggest club in the world.
"I want to thank the manager, the fans, the players, and also my family - my parents, my wife and my kids." 

Edwin van der Sar (via:

Perginya Edwin van der Sar dari Manchester United karena sudah memasuki masa pensiun memang sangat disayangkan. Kiper asal Belanda ini nyaris mencabut putusan pensiunnya. Tapi, setelah dipikir dua kali akhirnya ia tetap bersikukuh untuk pensiun. Sebuah keputusan yang baik di umurnya yang tak lagi muda dan keputusan yang menyedihkan buat para fansnya, seperti saya (resa) :'(

EDWIN,  WE REALLY LOVE YOU! Thank You. You're the legend! (hope Edwin see it)


Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Manchester United : The Champ19ns!

Ya, kita ChaRiSa mau ngucapin selamat untuk Manchester United yang udah menjuarai Barclays Premier League 2010/11. Kemenangan MU kali ini akhirnya bisa menyaingi rekor Liverpool yang pernah sama-sama meraih gelar juara BPL ke-18. Atas kemenangan ini, MU meraih gelar ke 19.

Di tengah kegembiraan ini, ada juga kesedihan yang dialami seluruh keluarga Manchester United. Beberapa pemain seperti Edwin van der Sar, Sir Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville harus melepas Manchester United. Ya, mereka "legend"nya MU. Dan, pensiunnya mereka sangat disayangkan sebenarnya. 

Sedikit cerita :
Di pertandingan terakhir melawan Blackpool dengan hasil 4 - 2 di Old Trafford, MU semakin menambah poinnya. Pasukan Sir Alex ini dipimpin oleh Edwin van der Sar sendiri. Alasan mengapa ia menjadi kapten, bukan Nemanja Vidic sebab ini merupakan pertandingan terakhir di Old Trafford untuk penjaga gawang asal Belanda ini :'( *sedih sekali. Sementara Ryan Giggs dan Neville tidak mengikutin pertandingan ini.

Captain Edwin van der Sar

Di akhir pertandingan, Edwin van der Sar naik ke atas podium untuk mengucapkan beberapa kalimat tentang Manchester United, fansnya, dll. Saya (Resa) yakin tidak sedikit orang yang sedih mendengar ucapannya :'(

Yaa, itulah momen sedihnya. Setelah itu, acara pengangkatan piala dan pemakaian medali serta yang lainnya dimulai. Satu per satu pemain, pelatih, manager, dan yang lainnya naik ke atas podium, diakhiri dengan Nemanja Vidic, player of the year Manchester United musim ini. Piala diangkat oleh Vidic untuk yang pertama, dilanjutkan van der Sar, lalu Javier Hernandez, dan yang lainnya. Sungguh momen yang sangat luar biasa :"D


 Ya, sebenarnya masih banyak lagi yang mau saya ucapkan. Sayangnya pasti akan sangat banyak sekali. Sekali lagi selamat untuk Manchester United! Glory Glory Man United!

Edwin van der Sar dan Piala Barclays terakhirnya :')

 ♥ ChaRiSa♥

Senin, 18 April 2011

Girls' Generation

Hello! Annyeonghaseyo! 안녕하세요! ^^
How's your day guys? This time, I wanna show you a profile about a South Korean girlband named So Nyuh Shi Dae (소녀시대) or Girls' Generation! It is built by the power of 9 ultimate girls that have a magnificent beauty and talents. I'm sure a lot of you will end up being a SONE (read: sowon) or Girls' Generation's fans.
Kyaaa! >_< I'm so excited! Here we go!!

♥ GIRLS' GENERATION or So Nyuh Shi Dae (소녀시대)

Girls' Generation (Korean: 소녀시대, Hanja: 少女時代, Sonyeo Sidae ) is a popular nine-member South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment in 2007. The nine members are: Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung and Yoona . They are often referred to as SoShi (소시), or SNSD, the first of which is an abbreviation and the second, mainly used outside Korea, is an acronym of the group's Korean name So Nyuh Shi Dae. In China and Taiwan, they are known as 少女時代 (Shàonǚ Shídài; or Siu Nui Si Doi in Hong Kong) and in Japan as 少女時代 (Shōjo Jidai).
The group has released two full albums, three mini-albums, and various singles. Their 2009 hit single Gee holds the record for being the longest running #1 song on KBS's Music Bank, having held the #1 chart ranking for 9 consecutive weeks. 2009 and 2010 also saw the group winning various awards, including consecutive Artist of the Year (Daesang) awards at the Seoul Music Awards, Golden Disk Awards, Melon Music Awards, and the Korean Cultural Entertainment Awards.

for more information please click this link >> SNSD Wikipedia

Now, let's see them personally!

Taeyeon (Born : Kim Tae-yeon (김태연) March 9, 1989) 
She's The Leader and the oldest member of Girls' Generation, also known as Taeng-goo (탱구). Her face is really cute and pretty. This is Icha's favorite SNSD member. She has a beautiful voice. She also dubbed Margo's voice on Despicable Me Korean version.
more info about Taeyeon >> Taeyeon Wikipedia

Jessica  (Born : Jessica Jung/Jung Soo-yeun (정수연) April 18, 1989)
Also known as "Ice Princess". She was born in San Fransisco. She also played in some television drama.
more info about Jessica >> Jessica Wikipedia

Tiffany (Born : Stephanie Hwang/Hwang Mi-young (황미영) August 1, 1989)
She was born in California. She also start a career as a MC.
more info about Tiffany >> Tiffany Wikipedia

Sunny (Born : Lee Soon-kyu (이순규) May 15, 1989)
Also known as Sunny Bunny or DJ Soon. She is the niece of Lee Soo Man, the founder of SM Entertainment.
more info about Sunny >> Sunny Wikipedia

Yuri (Born : Kwon Yu-ri (권유리) December 5, 1989)
She writes some songs and played on some drama and television series.
more info about Yuri >> Yuri Wikipedia

Hyoyeon (Born : Kim Hyo-yeon (김효연) September 22, 1989)
Also known as "The Dancing Queen". We can say that Hyoyeon is the best dancer in SNSD.
more info about Hyoyeon >> Hyoyeon Wikipedia

Sooyoung (Born : Choi Soo-young (최수영) February 10, 1990)
She is the tallest SNSD member. She also played in a film and some television drama. She once played as a co-DJ with Super Junior's Sungmin.
more info about Sooyoung >> Sooyoung Wikipedia

Yoona (Born : Im Yoon-Ah (임윤아) May 30, 1990)
People say that Yoona is the most beautiful SNSD member. She showed in other singer's music videos and film more often than the other member. She's really good at acting.
more info about Yoona >> Yoona Wikipedia

Seohyun (Born :  Seo Joo-Hyun (서주현) June 28, 1991)
She's the 'maknae' (the youngest) SNSD member. Seohyun is Ria and Resa's favorite SNSD member. She played in some TV series and music videos. She also dubbed Edith's voice on Despicable Me Korean version.
more info about Seohyun >> Seohyun Wikipedia

That's all about Girls' Generation members personally. Now, have you watched their videos? I'll give you some of their cool videos! Great songs, great dances! Enjoy ♪

♪ Into The New World ♪
♪ Girl's Generation ♪
 ♪Kissing You ♪
♪ Gee ♪
♪ Oh! ♪
 ♪ Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) ♪
♪ Run Devil Run ♪
♪ Visual Dreams ♪
♪ Mr. Taxi ♪

Can you recognize them personally on the video? Can you do their dance moves? Who's your favorite member? Tell us! Just give us comments below ♥
Watch their videos on Youtube!
